Was ist mike rowe?

Mike Rowe is an American television host and narrator, best known for his work on the television series "Dirty Jobs" which aired from 2005 to 2012. Born on March 18, 1962, in Baltimore, Maryland, Rowe gained popularity through his ability to tackle extreme and often dirty occupations, showcasing the hard work and dedication of blue-collar workers.

Before finding success on television, Rowe had an extensive background in hosting and narrating various shows and documentaries on channels like Discovery Channel and National Geographic. He has also appeared in commercials for major brands such as Ford and Caterpillar.

In addition to "Dirty Jobs," Rowe has hosted various other TV shows, including "The Most" and "Somebody's Gotta Do It." He is known for his down-to-earth personality and his ability to relate to people from all walks of life.

Outside of television, Rowe is involved in various philanthropic initiatives, notably his foundation, the mikeroweWORKS Foundation. The foundation aims to provide financial support and assistance to individuals pursuing a trade or vocational education, as well as raising awareness about the importance of skilled labor.

Overall, Mike Rowe is a popular television host and advocate for skilled labor, known for his work on "Dirty Jobs" and his dedication to supporting blue-collar workers.
